The Month of Ramadan is Crying (English/Arabic)

9/15/07 شهر رمضان المبارك  يبكي ..... لماذا ؟ اقرأ الموضوع باللغة العربية

9/20/07 شهر رمضان والتقوى استمع بالعربي

9/25/07 القران حياه القلوب استمع بالعربي

9/28/07 القران العظيم وشهر رمضان المبارك استمع بالعربي

10/1/07 احكام الصيام في شهر رمضان استمع بالعربي

10/5/07 لیلة القدر استمع بالعربي

10/10/07 زكاة استمع بالعربي

    جديد NEW 10/15/07 كشف حساب رمضان استمع بالعربي


The Month of Ramadan is Crying (Topic in English):

The Month of Ramadan is crying, so let’s ask him about the reason.
Question: Why are you Crying?
Answer: I am the Month of Ramadan i.e.

  1. Month of the Quran

  2. Month of Piety

  3. Month of Mercy

  4. Month of Forgiveness

  5. Month of Emancipation from the Hellfire

  6. Month has a night better than 1000 months

  7. Month of multiplication of good Deeds

  8. Month when the gates of Paradise open

  9. Month when the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained

  10. Month of Patience

As I clarified my special characters, it is observed that most of the Muslims deny my characters i.e. I am for them the month of the food and drink, invitations and soap operas. I need every Muslim to revise his relation with me.       

The Facts:

  1. Why I am not the Month of reward and good deed? Instead I became the month of filling the mind and the abdomen with whatever disturbs their relation with God?

  2. Why Muslims don’t remember that I visit them once per year as a great opportunity from God for their sins to be forgiven, for their repentance to be accepted, for their supplication to be answered, for multiplication of their good deeds and for them to become closer to the Paradise and far away from the Hellfire?

  3. Why Muslims don’t remember those who died last year and loose this opportunity of Mercy and Forgiveness?

  4. Why Muslims don’t appreciate the Holy Quran, the Book of Mercy and Cure. The book of reward and the way to Happiness and Peace in the worldly life i.e. The way to Paradise?

  5. Why Muslims replace recitation of the Holy Quran by watching soap operas?

  6. Why Muslims forgot about the Sunna of our beloved Prophet Mohamed (Peace be Upon Him) who used to revise the Holy Quran with Angel Jibril every night in Ramadan?

  7. Why Muslims don’t appreciate my arrival except through their worldly enjoyment? and not according to the Quran and the Sunna of Prophet Mohamed (Peace be Upon Him)?

Most of the Muslims (except little) make me cry as they ignore the Mercy of God which is bestowed in my days and nights.  O Allah, to You only is my complaint.
The Month of Ramadan.

If you want to know how to solve this Disaster, Please listen to the following classes:

  1. 9/15/07 Month of Ramadan and Piety: Listen English

  2. 9/20/07 Why the Quran: Listen English

  3. 9/25/07 Month of Ramadan and Quran: Listen English

  4. 9/29/07 Prophet Mohamed (Salla Allahu Alayhi wa Salam) and Laylat AL Qader: Listen English

  5. 10/2/07 Month of Ramadan & Zakat Listen English

  6. 10/5/07 Hadeeth of Prophet Mohamed (Salla Allahu Alayhi wa Salam) - Woe to Gold and Woe to Silver Listen English NEW


Month of Ramadan 1428H. Houston, TX September 2007